
2021/3/26 14:26:35,作 者: 黄兵

Python Itertools 模块

Python 的 Itertools 模块是处理迭代器的工具集合。迭代器是一种可以在 for 循环语句(包括列表、元组和字典)中使用的数据类型。

使用 Itertools 模块中的函数让你可以执行很多迭代器操作,这些操作通常需要多行函数和复杂的列表理解。关于 Itertools 的神奇之处,请看以下示例:

from itertools import *

# Easy joining of two lists into a list of tuples
for i in izip([1, 2, 3], [ a ,  b ,  c ]):
    print i
# ( a , 1)
# ( b , 2)
# ( c , 3)

# The count() function returns an interator that 
# produces consecutive integers, forever. This 
# one is great for adding indices next to your list 
# elements for readability and convenience
for i in izip(count(1), [ Bob ,  Emily ,  Joe ]):
    print i
# (1,  Bob )
# (2,  Emily )
# (3,  Joe )    

# The dropwhile() function returns an iterator that returns 
# all the elements of the input which come after a certain 
# condition becomes false for the first time. 
def check_for_drop(x):
    print  Checking:  , x
    return (x > 5)

for i in dropwhile(should_drop, [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]):
    print  Result:  , i

# Checking: 2
# Checking: 4
# Result: 6
# Result: 8
# Result: 10
# Result: 12

# The groupby() function is great for retrieving bunches
# of iterator elements which are the same or have similar 
# properties

a = sorted([1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
for key, value in groupby(a):
    print(key, value), end=   )

# (1, [1, 1, 1])
# (2, [2, 2, 2]) 
# (3, [3, 3]) 
# (4, [4]) 
# (5, [5]) 


